I've very kindly been given an award for my blog. It's the Favourite Blog Award and has very kindly been bestowed upon me by Elaine (Sparklingblackrose on docrafts).
The idea behind this award is to promote little-known blogs to a wider audience.
In accepting this award, I must agree to the following:
1) Decide if you will accept the award, and if you do, create a post on your blog and show the 'Favourite Blog' badge with pride.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and let them know if you accept the award or not.
3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag. Add a link to these blogs in your post and give them the good news.
So, here are my five favourite blogs:
For unusual pressies using great (often self-made) templates, and amazing cards displaying her amazing Copic colouring:
Alex (Eisbärin on docrafts)
For just beautiful cards and almost always with a swirl somewhere:
Julie B
The Tilda Queen - need I say more???:
Teresa (Craftingallday on docrafts)
For those beautiful CAS cards that I love to make (especially when time is of the essence!!):
Kerry (Pickle on docrafts)
and last, but definitely not least, for amazing cards and often lovely, quirky images:
Katy (Craftykaty on docrafts)
All of these lovely ladies manage to inspire me in some way - and these are the places I head to first when I have brain freeze and can't seem to get my mojo up and running.
As said, the idea behind this is to promote little-known blogs (i.e. not one with thousands of followers), but there is another blog I had to mention
For amazing inspiration (what this lady can't create with her die-cutting machine isn't worth knowing I can tell you!!!):
So thank you ladies for your tireless work and inspiration - long may it continue!
HMFMC #435 Winner and Top3
1 week ago