

This blog was created to act as a record of the cards and other projects that I have made. It is for both my own reference and to help inspire anyone who wants to take a look.

I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment so that I know what you think of my projects and that you've been to visit!

Anyone can comment, even those who don't have a blog. (Just look for the word 'Comments' under the three little pictures at the end of each post). Readers without a blog can add an anonymous comment, but please leave your name (and docrafts username if applicable) so I know who you are!

Slideshows of all the cards I've uploaded to my blog can be found at the bottom of the page.


Sunday, 6 January 2013

First Post From My Tablet

So, if you are a regular reader of my blog then you will know that I haven't posted anything new on my blog for over a year. The reason being my laptop died on me and I have to compete with hubby for the main computer which meant not being able to regularly check up on my posts, comments and blog challenges.

However, my nice kind hubby bought me a tablet for Christmas which means I could load up my blog from the main computer but keep track with the tablet.

So, from tomorrow I shall try and upload a card everyday. I've got plenty to upload as I have all of last year's cards to do!!

On a different note, if any of you have a Nook tablet, let me know in the comments. I've only been using mine for a couple of days now so starting to get to grips with it. Hubby also got me a stylus which makes using it much easier.

Anyway, here's hoping I can get back into posting regularly as I've really missed it and, of course, all of you in blogland!


kay said...

Hi Kathleen, good to see you posting again,I have a ipad and love it.x

Sandra H said...

Hi Kathleen great to see your back and looking forward to seeing your creations x

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Kathleen looking forward to seeing your creations. Love Alison xxx

Paula said...

Nice to see you back hun!

Hugs Paula. x

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