Well, things are moving apace now. We are off up to Lincoln in the next hour and tomorrow morning we sign for the new house. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they have chosen a nice house for us, but most importantly one that is big enough to fit all our junk, I mean stuff in.
In the nearly eleven years that I've been married, I'm about to move into 5th house, and the MOD have decided that each time they assign us a house it will be smaller than the one before, so I'm hoping they've bucked the trend because we can't fit all our stuff in the one we're in as it is!!!
So, I'll be away until tomorrow evening and then there'll be lots of sorting and packing so I don't know when I'll be back on.
Not sure if Crafting Gill from the docrafts forum comes on here, but I just wanted to let her know that I have made the Wallet Card for the swap, just haven't stamped anything to go in it as yet, and I'm not sure I've got enough white card at the moment so that probably won't get sent out until after we move. I'll be in touch with you soon about that though!!
Well, better go and finish the packing.
Wish me luck!!!
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