1. Only 5 people allowed
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world
4. You must link it back to whoever gave you the award.
I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment so that I know what you think of my projects and that you've been to visit!
Anyone can comment, even those who don't have a blog. (Just look for the word 'Comments' under the three little pictures at the end of each post). Readers without a blog can add an anonymous comment, but please leave your name (and docrafts username if applicable) so I know who you are!
Slideshows of all the cards I've uploaded to my blog can be found at the bottom of the page.
They are:
Alex K (Eisbaerin)
Loretta H
Jules B
Stressed (Ashley)
I have added links to their docrafts gallery so you can see their creations.
3. check.
These are the people whose blogs I check out on an almost daily basis now and they have all inspired me in one way or another. And they have been duly tagged!!!!
Hopefully they'll play along!!