I've just remembered - having received the Wylde Women Award from Tara and Sharon that Tara gave me another award way back in July but she gave it to me just before I went away to my cousin's wedding and on holiday, so forgot all about it.

Now, the award is the Blogging Friends Forever award. It means a great deal to receive this award, as it never fails to amaze me how some of your best friends can be people you've never met (and let's face it we're unlikely to ever meet in person unfortunately) and how much of an influence they can have on your life.
Now naturally, I would like to offer the award right back to Tara as she is one of the people whose cardmaking has had an amazing influence on my own cardmaking (and my bank balance!!!). Every time I take a look at her blog or in her docrafts gallery I just think 'Wow!' and ' I wish I could make cards like that'. Her endless generosity of self never fails to amaze me either. She's always ready to help people out in one way or another. I just wish I lived near her so we could meet up and have cardmaking sessions. I know I'd learn lots more that way!
Anyway, here are the rules:
1. Only 5 people allowed
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world
4. You must link it back to whoever gave you the award.
Quite simply it is a way of saying thank you to those who take time out for wonderful comments to boost your day.
So, my five nominees for this award are:
Jo (Boots)
Please head over to their blogs and take a peek at their lovely work.
Wow! That's so nice of you Kathleen, I'm truly touched. Not since having my children has my life felt so enriched as it has since joining DC and setting up my blog, I love the friendships that have emerged (even though o/h calls you all my 'virtual' friends, lol).
Bless you! (and sorry about your bank balance, hee hee)
It's really nice for thinking of me.
I am very happy.
Thank you very much Kathleen.
Congratulations for your price
Hugs, Mumur
Thank you so much for this award Kathleen, it means a lot to me.
Take care and keep up the good work you are doing !
Jo x
Hi Kathleen thankyou so much for the lovely comments on my blog, I will be up at flutterby on the weekend of The 18th October along with Michelle Saxon and Graham hansford, Lynn will be opening the brand new shop that week she is going into where the old motorbike shop was, It is going to be demos and workshops all weekend.
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